Thursday, July 31, 2014

Monsanto Informative Articles and Information You Want to Know.

First of all there was just a bill passed that wants to nearly triple the amount of chemicals being used that have already proven to cause some cases of cancer.

Here are information on the 12 most awful products made by Monsanto and information on each one

Here is directly from the Monsanto page explaining that they are now a Pharma company that actually sell medication for Cancer and other ailments.

Here is a printable list of food companies owned by Monsanto

The Monsanto Protection Act - via

How the changes will effect us -

Here is information stating that GMO's cause cancer -

-Also from the Monsanto website look at why the Head of the Supreme Court Clarence Thomas is not at Monsanto there any more, so he can overrule decisions about what the people want and what Monsanto wants...

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